
The Make or Break Challenge We Face


The Make or Break Challenge We Face


The Make or Break Challenge We Face


The Make or Break Challenge We Face


The Make or Break Challenge We Face


The Make or Break Challenge We Face

An Affordability Crisis

TEAM knows that housing affordability is a major concern for so many in our community. We continue to see a steadily rising number of community members turning to us for help in finding or keeping stable housing. The more a household must spend to keep a roof over their heads, the more difficult choices they must make in order to cover the remainder of their monthly costs: heating, utilities, food, medicine, daycare, car payments, and more.

A household is considered cost-burdened if they spend at least 30% of their hard-earned income on housing, and an average of 31.5%* residents in our region are cost-burdened (ranging from 20% of households to 49% of households, across the 10 towns in TEAM’s region).

Who Needs Help With Housing?

TEAM is committed to addressing this by advocating for increased housing options for all in our community including recent college graduates, young families, older adults who want to stay in the town they’ve raised their families in, and working adults (teachers, first responders, retail workers, manufacturers, healthcare & nursing assistants and more!).

Not only does safe, stable housing benefit residents in our community (housing is linked to education outcomes, health outcomes, and more) but it also does wonders for our economy – increasing the grand list, sparking business development, helping to fill the open jobs in our state.

What Is Affordable Housing?

Affordable Housing is just that – Housing that people can afford. This may be “naturally occurring” where the cost of rent or a mortgage happens to fall under the 30% of a household’s monthly income, or affordable housing can also be designated units that are rent-controlled based on an area’s median income (AMI). Households may also have Affordable Housing if they get help with a program such as Section 8.

So What Do We Do?

TEAM supports and empowers groups of residents who have formed local All In Alliances – these are simply groups of residents who work together to ensure everyone in their communities has a place: a place to live, a place where access to food is secure, and a place in the decisions that affect their lives.

Check out All In’s recent Citizen Planner Award recognition from the Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association, and coverage in the CT Mirror.

TEAM sees Housing as THE MAJOR ISSUE facing our communities today, and will continue to educate and empower residents and leaders to make meaningful changes towards an adequate amount of Safe, Stable Housing.

If your community or neighborhood wants to be more meaningfully involved in TEAM’s work to address housing options and affordability in our region, please contact David Morgan at Davidmorgan@teaminc.org and Lillian McKenzie at lmckenzie@teaminc.org.

If you need immediate assistance with your housing situation, please email info2@teaminc.org and click here for more information on how TEAM can assist you.

A Housing Story

TEAM works with Head Start on Housing and other available resources to help a local family find housing stability and self-sufficiency

Kayla and her young son Lance are just one example of the thousands of individuals and families TEAM has helped to find and keep safe, stable housing in our community. Kayla came to TEAM as Head Start parent – her son Lance was enrolled in TEAM’s toddler classroom, and Kayla was connected to a Family Support Specialist to assist her with personal goals and working towards increased self-sufficiency. Kayla had little-to-no support system to lean on and had recently become a single parent. She bravely jumped in and embraced every aspect of TEAM’s Head Start program, enrolled in TEAM’s GAIN (Gaining Access to Independence Now) job training certification program as well as became an active member of the Head Start Parent Policy Council.

Throughout Kayla’s active participation in the program, it became evident that her housing was unstable and ultimately not a safe environment for her or Lance. Through the Head Start of Housing initiative, a partnership with the Office of Early Childhood, National Center for Housing & Child Welfare, CT Dept. of Housing & TEAM, Kayla qualified for and become the recipient of an accelerated Section 8 housing voucher; one that would give her and Lance the opportunity to move into the newly developed, state of the art apartment complex in Shelton. Safe, affordable housing was one of Kayla’s initial goals for herself and her son when she came to TEAM and yet again, she achieved a success that she had often doubted she had the inner strength to do.

Kayla’s story is just one example of how TEAM works to holistically support families, and innovates with every available tool, resources and program to help individuals and families secure housing stability.

Affordable Housing in our Region





















Percentages of Affordable Housing

Hover your mouse over to see the percentage of affordable units currently in each town in our region (2023 CT Department of Housing data). Click on the town to see their Affordable Housing Plan. *Beacon Falls, Derby & Oxford have not yet approved plans.

Watch Our Videos

Residents Share their Stories

What All In Means to Me

NVision Conference

Held September 13, 2022

TEAM CEO David Morgan speaks on Housing Panel at the Nuagatuck Valley Council of Government’s NVision Conference

TEAM Housing Forum

Held March 30, 2021

TEAM Housing Workshop: Mythbusters

Held September 12, 2023

TEAM Annual Meeting

Held October 13, 2022

CT Department of Housing Commissioner Seila Mosquera-Bruno

TEAM Housing Workshop: Our Town Has an Affordable Housing Plan – Now What?

Held May 30, 2023

TEAM Annual Meeting

Held October 13, 2022

Then-Chair of CT General Assembly’s Housing Committee Quentin Williams
