Eligibility is based on household size and gross annual income, or categorical eligibility.
Families or individuals with a gross annual income at or below 60% of the State Median Income (SMI).
Income Guidelines for 2024-2025 Energy Season
Household size: Gross Annual Income:
1 person $45,505
2 people $59,507
3 people $73,509
4 people $87,751
5 people $101,513
6 people $115,514
7 people $118,139
8 people $120,765
Applicants who have a household member that receives any of the following benefits may be determined automatically income-eligible:
- Households who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Family Assistance (TFA); State Supplement for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled; or Refugee Cash Assistance
- Households who receive SNAP (food stamp) assistance
There is no Liquid Assets Test.